Join us and release a monarch butterfly in honor of a special someone, in memory of a loved one, or just for fun! Monarch butterflies are now available for pre-purchase.


Our Sunday tradition fills the sky with the color and movement from one of nature’s most beautiful creatures, the Western Pennsylvania Monarch.

This popular and inspiring release fills the sky with the color and movement of one of nature’s most beautiful creatures, the Western Pennsylvania Monarch. Participants release their butterflies in honor of a special someone, in memory of a loved one, or just for fun!

Why do we do the Native Butterfly Release?

“Our state parks in Pennsylvania conserve nearly 300,000 acres of lands for the public to enjoy in many ways, but humans are not the only ones to benefit. Moraine’s 16,725 acres provides habitat for many wild animal species. Monarch butterflies, whose population across North America has alarmingly decreased, are dependent upon the milkweed plant. There are four species of milkweed native to PA, and we have introduced each of them in areas of the Moraine and encourage their natural reproduction. Here at the park, we have five areas specifically managed to promote native wildflowers, such as milkweed. Volunteers and partner groups working with park staff have prepared ground, sown seed, and managed these areas to encourage milkweed and other native plants to provide not only educational messages and enjoyment, but to serve as habitat for resident populations, and provide way stations for migrating monarchs.”  — Natalie Simon, DCNR

Butterfly Release Gallery

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